Our Courses

Hibra teaches not only the Spanish language, it offers you a complete Argentinian cultural integration with all the language knowledge. Converting learning in a rich experience as language and as cultural level. Humanized Education is the base of our teaching.
For us, the student is the protagonist on every class, that’s why we offer a teaching based on the student’s necessities and priorities that are presented in process of learning a new language.
We achieve this work from native qualified professionals, proper material and an innovated methodology. All the bases to provide the student a different education that have its core on the experience.
Course recommended to newcomers who need to learn the language from the beginning in an advanced pace. This course’s methodology and its focus are especially center on the English speaker. According to the Common European Framework this course embraces the levels A1 and A2. If you studied Spanish before, request the level test. The course’s length is about one month; it’s a Monday through Friday course with an 88 hour class load, 4 hours per day and once a week 6 hours. In the end of the course, the students will take a test to assess if they are able to enter the next level.
Classes monday through friday. 4 hours per day, duration: four weeks + 1 exam day. You complete 1 level of our school. You’ll have one extra hour Monday through Friday to review the content. To complete a whole level you can choose both 88 hours or 100 hours, the difference is about the review classes. If you feel you can handle the language we recommend 88 hours, if you feel you have difficulty, we recommend 100 hours
Classes monday through friday. 4 hours per day, duration: two weeks. You complete half of a level of our school.
This course is specially designed for those who have studied Spanish before and need to prepare themselves for the CEI-CELU exams. In this course the students review the most requested topics and count on similar exams to verify if they are prepared to reach the level requested. The course length is about one month,

Hibra teaches not only the Portuguese language, it offers you a complete Brazilian cultural integration with all the language knowledge. Converting learning in a rich experience as language and as cultural level. Humanized Education is the base of our teaching.
We achieve this work from native qualified professionals, proper material and an innovated methodology. All the bases to provide the student a different education that have its core on the experience.
It has a dynamic classes focused on grammar related to theoretical and practical content. This course works Portuguese oral and writing skills through a unique study material, developed by the school, wich the student applies on different authentic areas like Brazilian movies, literature and music.
Recommended for students who need to learn the language in a more advanced pace, those who have a short period of time available during the day or those who need the language as a tool to grow and develop in the job market.
Minimum duration of 4 months and a half to finish one level. This course focused its classes in a dynamic methodology, develop in different subjects that seek the optimization of the content learning and assimilation.
Recommended for those who prefer to study in a lighter pace, focusing on the grupal and/or individual practice and developing activities that allow the new knowledge’s implementation.
Private, group and corporative classes. This type of course was developed so the student can receive the content through a dynamic and interactive methodology, always related to the student’s necessities. According to de student’s priorities, the class will be designed by specialized teachers and it will provide the knowledge’s development and implementation. Each course is designed thinking about the use the student will give to the language. Always following the dynamic class, reading, talking and interpreting the new language.
Recommended for those who prefer to study in a lighter pace, focusing on the grupal and/or individual practice and developing activities that allow the new knowledge’s implementation.